Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mother’s Day Ya-Yas!!!!!
May your day be filled with hugs and dishes making their way through the dishwasher without your assistance. May not one tattle happen for 24 hours and may you eat whatever you desire, without having to prepare it!
Love y’all and Ya-Ya mammas rock, (or at least shows our kids that the fun doesn’t end when a baby pops out and they have a whole bunch of misadventure to look forward to when they are parents!) 😉
And here is what they prepared for me. The drink is solid because the made “homemade juice” and this is just my first course I’m told.
Then they ask for me to go make them the Texas French toast that I promised them last night (I was trying to thwart such displays of love through food and dirty pet turtle hands. Â I’m going to start a round of antibiotics probably.
I just finished my post for tomorrow morning. Â I just love this one. Â Can’t wait to share it. Â It had me finding 60 year old photos of my Grandmother, before she had a family of her own. Â The pictures are like a window into who she was before she she assumed the role of everyone caregiver. Â She was a hell raiser and my best friend.
Abbie, All that makes you…Â Â allthatmakesyou.com
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I can hardly wait for tomorrow. Old photographs are treasures! I hope your day improv… I mean, I hope you’ve had a great day, Abbie.
Well, we waited all day for Jim to get home from what was supposed to be a few hours at the hospital but ended with a middle aged woman, a procedure no one in the area has ever done versus a less than 50% survival rate if she went into the OR. Jim decided to stay at the hospital and do it, for the first time and when it worked in the surgical suite, they clapped. I was boo-boo lipped at home not knowing why he wasn’t home. We went to dinner, very late. Kids got their fav, prime rib??? Woke up this morning and found out the mom he worked on was alert and her brain was intact and she is no longer septic and I, again, feel like a boob. Send a darn text message your saving lives. 😉 I did, thank you. More importantly, another family had a very good Mother’s Day.
That looks…*clears throat* delicious. Ha-ha! What great boys you have to treat their mom to breakfast!
Totally. 😉 Then they demanded I get up and make them french toast. That whole big kid/little kid thing happening.
LOL! Apparently, mothers also need to have strong stomachs … Happy Mother’s Day, Abbie! 🙂
I am such a bad mom…I dumped a bunch of the “juice” down the toilet. They have no idea and Peter was so funny coming in to check and saying things like, “Can I have one of those bananas and another sip? Don’t tell my brothers. They said I couldn’t ask for any.” Peter hand squeezed the fruit. Ewwww….
Very cute 😉
It was. Jim was working so there was no “supervision.” As a matter of fact they had a boy spend the night, so I had four sets of “turtle hands” in my food. 😉
What a wild day for you then! I do not have children but I have nieces and nephews I had to babysit for..They are grown now but I remember the times they were in their terrible stage. However, I do miss that stage because they were funny little kids with crazy antics. Anyways, belated mothers day to you.