Avery, “When I grow up I’m going to buy the house next door and live in it.” Me, “I love that idea!” Mitchell, “I’m going to buy the house on the other side and live in it.” I’m all smiles. Peter, “I’m going to live in this house with my own wife and family!” Me, “That’s awesome but where am I going to live?” Avery, ” We going to put you in The Village!” (this is a retirement community in our neighborhood.) I look at them with mouth hanging open looking very sad. Mitchell, “Don’t worry, we’ll come by and feed you pudding.”
hmmmmmm….pudding? Let’s not be hasty, that actually sounds like a pretty good deal 🙂
For them! 😉
Thank you! They make me smile everyday. I’m hoping to give people a place to smile everyday as well. Please feel free to give advise. You have a great blog.
Your posts say a lot about what kind of mom you are and the relationship you have with your charming little guys.
You are a talented writer.
Poor you! At least they will visit and feed you pudding though!
Oh, this sounds like just the conversation I would have with my two boys. However, given they are 11 and 14, there would be more bodily functions and male anatomy words inserted. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looking forward to reading more of yours!
Thanks for coming by mine as well. I feel so disorganized and stupid being new to this! Please feel free to give advise or critique.