I rolled the dice yesterday knowing I live in a community of overachievers.
I figured if I waited until the last minute to vote, all my responsible neighbors would be done already.
I parked and walked right in. Not one person ahead of me at 5:08.
I outsmarted the smarties!
I voted while talking to the poll workers slurring, again?!!!
I live in a small enough town that I always know about half the people that work the polls and nearly everyone in line.
How can I end up having root canals on the last two election days?
Of course I would!
I am a grinder. I grind when people are saying things I don’t agree with and then I grind all night.
I hold all of my stress in my jaw and the result…crumbling, horrible, rotten teeth.
With a country divided in half I am grinding half the time.
Then by the time election day comes…”emergency” root canal! 😉
I can’t bring myself to vote the morning before the root canal as I am particulary grumpy and making the “poop face.”
Because I also tend to say awkward things when NOT in throbbing pain my fear of being trapped in a line with half the people around me being stupid and half the people around me thinking I am stupid I would have to fight the urge to whop people on the forehead.
I know they wont let me get a root canal in jail and so I go vote AFTER I get my root canal.
Last election I announced to everyone within 20 feet of me, “I just had a root canal. I AM NOT DRUNK.”
When the day came for me to go and vote, (early and happily without a line) I wanted to take all three boys to experience it. After many speeches on how to act the boys still couldn’t help themselves and tried to peek and see who the person next to them was voting for.
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It’s three days late, but I’m laughing. Still counts, right?
I have been know to sit and giggle at nothing just thinking about something that has made me giggle from three days ago, so perfectly fine! We may have to move.
Thanks, I laughed and I always need it!
And I LOVE to hear I made someone laugh, and so thank you!