Peter, Mom, Dr Dre is sooooo funny! There is this video of a woman saying, “I hear what you’re saying but I am only listening to what I want to.” Then Dr Dre says, “Spoken like a true woman.”
Me, PERPLEXED “Dr Dre said this?”
Peter, “Sorry, I meant Dr Phil.”
I am cracking up at so many things including, why does he think that is so funny? He is 9? Also, he informed me he is VERY excited for puberty and then he asked me if the school
would know where the magician they hired who called his arms “marshmallows” lives.
That magician really put a burr in Peter’s britches. Apparently, he is waiting for “puberty” to grant him muscles.
I told him he needs to quit dwelling on this magician trying to be funny by teasing him and that surely the whole school doesn’t even remember.
His reply, “No mom, not the whole school. Just the 3rd-5th graders.
If I were the magician, I would look over my shoulder.
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