Now that summer vacation is almost here I am not looking forward to grocery shopping with both my boys. I don’t think clothes shopping is even in the picture for me unless you count Costco. 🙂
Boys will be boys! I cannot offer you tips as I am still learning myself. But I’d like to let you know that I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Details of this can be found here:
Now that summer vacation is almost here I am not looking forward to grocery shopping with both my boys. I don’t think clothes shopping is even in the picture for me unless you count Costco. 🙂
Boys will be boys! I cannot offer you tips as I am still learning myself. But I’d like to let you know that I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Details of this can be found here:
Thank you and I will be paying it forward soon! I love awards!
It looks like Benadryl works…based on the photos. 🙂 I grocery shop EARLY in the morning to avoid taking children ( I buy underwear at Costco where they offer kids samples ( Oh, and then there’s the fact that I have no new clothes.
They love Costco and Sam’s for food samples! No Benadryl but he may have been feeling under the weather and I didn’t know it until then.
I have no tips, but I love these pics! LOL! 🙂
I am such a photo hoarder! Cracks me up to look at them. Then I get so sad at how little their legs were and how I could push them around in a cart. 🙁