We worry.
That’s what parents do.
You can have a child who has “a worry.”
I do. I have to pretend to not worry because I tell him everything is ok…all day long.
Then I began to worry that he got the worry from me.
Then I remind him, and myself, that our “worry” really means we are aware of how blessed we are.
It is a blessing to be aware of your gifts. It makes you work harder to be worthy.
We complete our homework because we worry about what it would do to our grades if we don’t, I tell him.
It is the people that worry that get things done.
The same way that chocolate goes with vanilla, worry goes with success.
There are people who are paralyzed by worry and sometimes they never leave their homes. I tell him that fear can be like a disease.
We talk about actually talking about worrying and I tell him how healthy that is.
I am thankful for my worry, and for being aware of it, and thankful it does not cripple me.
Teaching your children how to find their blessing sometimes helps us just as much as it helps them. What do you do to keep your worries in check and have you had a little worrier of your own? Do you tell your kids to just relax or do you teach them how to listen to their fears?
Abbie Gale
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