Our first grade field trip to the farm this week…
Peter would run away to be a bee keeper.
This was the highlight of his trip to the farm.
That is him in the ball cap.
I love the personality of goats.
My “animal personality” might be a goat.
The “goat me” gets to hang with friends. You make me mad and I bump you in the butt with my horns. I have to feed everyone, all the time. I get to “slow blink” at you if you annoy me. Frankly, I think that I sound like a goat nagging my kids all the time to do things like, get their socks out of the trees or reminding them we have five bathrooms and peeing in the sink is NEVER acceptable. Baaaaa….baaaaaa……baaaaaaa!!!!!
This cow will be having a calf in a couple of months.
SInce I give birth to “farm animals” myself, (I have never given birth to less than double digits) I wanted to hug the poor cow in the 91 degree heat.
Having grown up on a farm myself and having had visited many “farms” for field trips, this was by far the best. It was not a petting zoo. The animals were brought in by each REAL farm that raised cattle, chickens, horses… The people talking to the kids for the most part were 4-H kids. Each “station” lasted seven minutes and then they rang a bell and the kids rotated. They even brought in a vet to show the equipment they use. They brought in a bee keeper who explained why bees are so important to us all and shouldn’t be feared. They had stations for each type of farm animal as well as planting and harvesting and a station for byproducts of farming. This is fascinating to a county of first graders. We live in a rural area so these animals, (like the cattle) were brought in from farms right next to the school. The majority of the children that attend our school though come from two golf course communities that are nestled in farm country. For many of these kids this is their first experience with being up front and personal with the smells of a farm.
Best response to a question asked…
“What parts of the animals do we NOT eat?”
“The private parts.”
If it’s my kid I will laugh until I fall over, but I can’t when it’s someone else’s kid.
I hid behind a combine because inside of me lives a 12 year old.
What would be your animal avatar personality?
Abbie, allthatmakesyou.com
Follow me by clicking the button.
If you want a story about another field trip I took our older boys on that ends with a naked lady then go here…
Second half.
Related articles
- Field Trip Frenzy! Mad Mom Vents to Media (freerangekids.wordpress.com)
- Shipping Cattle from the Farm (thepioneerwoman.com)
I went on a field trip with Squishy’s 1st grade class last month. It was a unique and fun experience! Loved reading about your trip! 🙂
Heh. Field trips are for sure good fodder for funny stories – which is part of why I insist on going on all of them.