It is 8:00 am on a Saturday. I am drinking my coffee and Peter, who is already outside looking for critters to be his “pet for a day”, has just run into the house and announced…
“The turtle had one toe on one foot, just like a human toe. Wanna see it?”
I, of course, said, “YES!”
I am now awaiting his return with the “toe-d turtle.”
It could only get better if he found one of the two-headed turtles we went to see at our local science museum. That is what you do with mutated animals now instead of a “side-show.”
I can tell it is already going to be one of “those kind” of Saturdays!
Have a great weekend and see you tomorrow!
Abbie, All that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
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… so, inquiring minds need to know … did the turtle really have a toe like a human’s? LOL! 🙂
It had one foot that looked like someone tried to eat it a long time ago. All that was left was one “toe.” Trust me, I wanted to see this too! I gave him permission to bring it in the house! Ha ha!