“Please Use Honor System. Put in Yellow Mailbox.”
That’s right, honor system. Just leave what you owe.
It’s that kind of town.
We live in a little town where when you stop by a pumpkin patch you see lovely pumpkins and gourds.
It’s nice to see people having faith in humanity.
Good Lord I am kidding. I wouldn’t steal! It’s a JOKE!
I have been busy making Halloween Party invitations for our neighborhood block party.
Instead of a costume contest this year we are having a pumpkin decorating contest WITHOUT carving.
Off I go to the pumpkin patch to pick out 25 pumpkins to attach the invitation to.
I pass the farm stand every day on my way to the kids school.
How had I never noticed the “honor” mailbox?
When I find something unexpected like this I tear up.
I’m an easy cry.
Every year I load up the invitations, this year pumpkins too, in our golf cart and my boys and the neighbor kids help me deliver them to everyones front porch.
We all head down to our little common area and bring a dish to pass. We try and get REAL food into the kids bodies before the sugar attack. Then we head out together “parade” style and go to all of the homes on our little street. We parents run ahead and pass out at each of our homes.
We aren’t all picture perfect as it seems. Occasionally, the weird happens. Mr. Peanut, you know the guy with a top hat and cane from the commercials, shows up and walks around aimlessly and silent.
That will get you thinking.
Sometimes even the grownups dress up with the kids, (good God, NOT a good look for me.)
And without the kids.
They bring our trick or treators by wagon.
It is mostly wonderful though because we have an “Honor Mailbox.”
Abbie Gale at allthatmakesyou.com
Twitter: @allthatmakesyou
Facebook: All that makes you
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