Hmmmm…I see a bunch of emails.
I dismiss thinking it is spam.
Then I see I have people liking me.
Shut the front door! Seriously?
Do I open and risk it being a virus or do I risk finding out I am SOMEHOW on
I open.
They are welcoming me and show me the 18 WOMEN THAT ARE INTERESTED IN ME! I am a MAN who is interested in 18-27 year olds???
My zip code is listed and these are LOCAL WOMEN!!!
These kids must have used my computer and created an account by clicking a ad?!!!!
Find girls? Why sure if I am a little boy! I will click you and log onto your website via my mom’s accounts because she doesn’t have passwords on HER computer.
I do now AND what bothers me most?
They don’t know my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Said from a mexican restaurant men’s bathroom, “What did we ever do to you mom?!”
haha…love it!
Rotten, rotten, rotten smelly boys! They listen to me tell the story and smirk. Rotten.
Ho my word!! Is that right, your kids did that? Hello Mr Hot-Bod interested in 18-27s. 😉 The troubles of the virtual world…
I am now paranoid that people think I was out looking for young girls and I am married! Good Lord. They keep saying they were trying to learn to Skype with girls from school because the girls talk about it and when the ad came up… They also think it is FUNNY! You would never know I was their mom. 😉