Lilly would like people to stop telling me how cute she looks in bows.
She would also like me to stop matching her bows to her pink (rat-like) skin tone.
She also would like someone to drop a baby daughter off for me to
torture decorate raise.
She is happy I didn’t give her this old haircut. No one loved her for two whole months.
Come on. It is too funny! I don’t even paint my own nails.
She loves attention.
She begs to get her teeth brushed.
The toothpaste is chicken flavored and she is only allowed to eat her dog food.
She might think teeth brushing is a treat.
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You painted her nails? HAHAHAHAHA!!! My little Annie would never forgive me for that! And she does wear sweaters in cooler weather, but only has 1 “girlie” sweater, lol. (She was my brother’s dog … I’m sure you get that picture, lol!) 😀
Aww. I love her old haircut!
I buy doggie dresses for my sis-in-law’s cairn terrier. She now calls Shauna my granddogdaughter (I have 7 grandsons.).
Holy smokes, you need a girl!