I love iPhoto. I tried repeatedly to erase a blemish on someone’s face before I realized my laptop screen has a little boy “finger goober” on it. Then I had that “oh crap” moment! You know, the moment you realize you just sprayed your laptop screen with your dogs breath spray instead of the screen cleaner. […]
She Knows I Am Laughing With Her
Someone quickly drop off a girl! I have all boys and our girl dog is suffering through me dressing her up
Funny First Days and the Proof is in the Photos
Mitchell, said with a very grown up matter-of-fact manner …”Dadda, I think there is more yelling than learning going on in Kindergarten.”
What is a Wordless Wednesday?
I took this photo yesterday at my father in-laws house. Ok, so I get the wordless Wednesday thing but I have been without any consistent technology and I’m breaking! So until I finish writing, (ON MY PHONE) a post for tomorrow I will leave you with a photo I took yesterday, and a few words. […]
Sometimes You Have To Be Bad To Remind Yourself You Are A Dog
Our dog finally acted life a dog and I let her be bad, bad, bad!