Mitchell, said with a very grown up matter-of-fact manner …”Dadda, I think there is more yelling than learning going on in Kindergarten.”
New Pet (Coming Soon to WP)
Here is one of my early posts you might have missed. I will be back tomorrow with something new. I am busy with a NEW PET! Oh my word! What was I thinking! I had to buy two other containers of LIVING creatures to feed it. SOS!!! “Mom, the baby is eating the dirt […]
Revenge on a Parent by Way of Birthday Gift for Kid
It just began spewing jelly beans.
They were skipping across the countertops like Mexican jumping beans and then hitting the hard floor and rolling and bouncing everywhere.
I am now cursing it and my amazing friends that bought it.
A Letter to NC Supporters of the Marriage Amendment
How can you know your children are going to be straight or gay? How do you know that if one of you children announces in twenty years that they are in love with someone and want to share their life with them that you will be able to say “those words”, then, that you are plastering all over FaceBook, now? How can you look at your child and tell them that their love is less valuable than the love of two people who do not have the same “private parts?” How can you teach your children to love and to be “Godly” and to not judge and yet you are?
Summer Vacation Begins in HOW Many Days? Help!!!
will make them carry a “Complaint Journal.” I am thinking if they have to document how much they complain by “complaint” and “time” it may be an eye opening experience for them.