Mitchell, said with a very grown up matter-of-fact manner …”Dadda, I think there is more yelling than learning going on in Kindergarten.”
Introducing Us
I want to create a place for people to check after they have read the days news in the car pickup line at school or on the side of a practice field and now you need a smile.
Things Every Mom Says Or Just Mine
“Honey, I HAD you to do the dishes. You should be thanking the dishes. It is because of the dishes you exist.”
Every year I think my mother was smarter than the year before.
Here is a story about my mom called “Back Back Before You Could Just Go And Buy Boobies” that includes the obvious mention of boobs and chicken poop and how you can use one to get the other.
When Did I Lose Faith in Myself?
We would be instant chums. She would tell me she appreciates my brass ba!!s when it comes to what I want to post and yet understands why I spell inappropriate words with symbols. She would give me the inside scoop on how things really work and tell me plainly what I am doing wrong and how I can improve. She would share my fondness of vodka and love of desserts. She would tell me there is a place for me and that I am not like everyone else that calls herself a blogger. She would offer me a cigar.
“I Have an App for That”
“Mom, you know it’s like 2012 and not the 1900’s. She’s not going to Texas in a horse and carriage.”