What’s does it mean if you habitually make coffee and forget to put the actual coffee grounds in, resulting in finding a pot of hot water in the morning? Asking for a friend. Jim also is trying to diagnose me with SOMETHING. Whatever my “illness” it only flares every couple of weeks. I call it, […]
It’s Baaaack!
This is another post I will announce prior to… No “Judgy Judy’s” Allowed I asked the male flight attendant that called to tell me that they found my lost box of stuff I bought in Orlando, what the box looks like considering that a set of Japanese sushi dishes were inside since Monday morning. He […]
We Are Happy! We Are!
For the love of Pete if they are making this face in the first Disney pic I take will they be mooning me by Sunday? Just landed in Orlando! Disney World here we come! Can’t believe we left Jim home to work. Whoo-hoop!!!!! Love me some Disney magic! Abbie Gale and my band of merry […]
Last Morning of Summer 2012
Waking up in the mountains and I can’t bring myself to wake up Peter. It’s his last morning of summer vacation and he is sleeping just like a little boy who spent the entire day before in a river kayaking. He also caught crayfish in a creek, frogs and salamanders. He tried sleeping in a […]
When Did I Lose Faith in Myself?
We would be instant chums. She would tell me she appreciates my brass ba!!s when it comes to what I want to post and yet understands why I spell inappropriate words with symbols. She would give me the inside scoop on how things really work and tell me plainly what I am doing wrong and how I can improve. She would share my fondness of vodka and love of desserts. She would tell me there is a place for me and that I am not like everyone else that calls herself a blogger. She would offer me a cigar.