I called my friend this morning and ask her if I give her a vase if she could make me up some flowers for the kitchen island. I have the winter blues. I say BIG. The arrangement has to be big enough to beat down “THE BLUES.” I need MONSTER FLOWERS. She asks, “How big” […]
We Are Happy! We Are!
For the love of Pete if they are making this face in the first Disney pic I take will they be mooning me by Sunday? Just landed in Orlando! Disney World here we come! Can’t believe we left Jim home to work. Whoo-hoop!!!!! Love me some Disney magic! Abbie Gale and my band of merry […]
Unlovable but Likable
You can use the state of my closet as an indicator to know my current mental status. My closet told me today I was bat-$hit crazy. I have decided if I clean out my closet I will be able to carry on with my Christmas decorating and baking. If, when I am finished, I do […]