I took Mitchell, one of my twins, to Michaels and the Dollar Store today for science project materials. I was standing next to a young man who worked at the store when this rough looking guy came walking up to the store employee and said, “Ummmm, so if I wanted to try to figure out if I was pregnant, uhhh… Can you tell me like what I would need…like where, what I should buy?”
The look I gave Mitchell.
The look in Mitchell’s eyes saying, “No! Mom!”
I pivoted, looked the man in the face and said, “Well, I can tell you that you are absolutely NOT pregnant. Pay me a dollar please.”
I pivoted back around and Mitchell was GONE.
At least the guy that worked there thought I was funny.
Not pregnant guy…not so much.
When I finally found Mitchell at the register his face was pink as a pregnancy test.
You would think my kids would be used to me by now.
We did have a pretty good laugh while walking back to the car.
Happy Sunday!
Abbie Gale
All That Makes You…
Well, they DO keep the Dollar Store drug tests next to the pregnancy tests.
I know this because I bought one for our family christmas “pass the trash” game; I gifted it with an empty bag of potato chips and a half eaten twinkie.
Most of my family unfortunately does not share my sense of humor.
I can’t believe she sent her boyfriend to find the Dollar Store pregnancy test, I mean, really.
Jenn recently posted…Teaching Compassion in Sports
You are hilarious Abbie! I would love to be your neighbor!
Rena McDaniel recently posted…GETTING READY FOR #1000SPEAK!!!
I could find you a house Rena. We would probably need a bail bondsman on call.
Abbie Gale recently posted…The Boy Wants Gin on a Snow Day?
Haha, I love this! My boys aren’t old enough to be embarrassed by me YET but I’m sure we are going to be there soon.
Katie Harding recently posted…Cleaning Up Dirty Mouths: Tips for Oral Health
It’s coming sister! I couldn’t even get a picture with one of mine yesterday! My mere presence mortifies them.
Abbie Gale recently posted…The Boy Wants Gin on a Snow Day?
Abbie, just when I’m about to have a nervous breakdown because of all the errands, arguing, mess, homework & 50 other things going on, I see your posts, laugh out loud, have a few minutes of seeing the world through your eyes, and actually start breathing again. Thanks for reminding me to do those things !!
Awwww Christie! It’s because we’re so “NORMAL” as you call us. Ha ha!
Abbie Gale recently posted…The Boy Wants Gin on a Snow Day?
This stuff only happens to you!!! Bit cracks me up!
I always think it happens to everyone, I just share. Ha ha! If you could have seen Mitchell’s face!
Bwahaha! And, wow, I’m a bit concerned if the guy really thought *he* could be pregnant. Hopefully he was so nervous he just screwed up his wording.
Sarah @ 2paws Designs recently posted…Project 52 Photos: Morning
When I get to the register there was THE NOT pregnant guy with a girl. So did she send him to figure it out? Would you trust a dollar store pregnancy test?
You slay me, woman. SLAY. ME.
Lisa Frame recently posted…Monday Lowdown
I am glad my mouthy self entertains you Lisa. I know the Dollar Store dude enjoyed his little break. He also asked my son if his shoes came in children’s sizes. My son did;t know and the guy said, “I wear a 4 1/2.” I looked down and there they were, tiny little feet holding up a grown man. I just needed to leave as quickly as possible. I may go back with my laptop the next time I have writers block.