We have three sons and the internet is scary to me.
I know what I would have been “Googling” and doing when I was a teenager if the internet existed then.
Here is my first funny “wake-up moment” with our boys.
I was in the kitchen cooking and I hear horror movie screaming coming from the family room.
I turn around from the stove to see what was going on.
I see our three boys sitting around the laptop in a huddle.
Kind of like this…
The boys all begin yelling and have looks of terror on their faces. They have now backed up away from the lonely laptop.
The thoughts that are racing through my head…has the child safety features on our internet failed. What have they happened across…
I am now racing towards them as one of the older boys pushes his twin brother towards the laptop and he steps forward and slams the laptop shut while cringing. They begin to turn on each other.
“Why did you build it that short?”
“You should have sent a zookeeper sooner to catch it!”
Oh my word…I hesitantly open the laptop to see a ZooTycoon “NOTICE” on the screen that tells me a lion was eating the park visitors.
Our youngest, Peter, has tears in his eyes and says to his brothers, “Why did you let it eat those children?”
Zoo Tycoon. The game I bought for the kids because it was supposed to be happy and make their minds plan and organize, they get to create habitats and care for animals…lets the animals eat the zoo’s guests if you build the habitats wrong?
There are shrieks coming from the laptop. My three sweet boys have their eyes covered up as I shut down the game.
This really, really makes me laugh.
My kids need to be shipped off to a farm for a summer to toughen them up. So stinkin’ cute.
Flash forward and we are a few years older and the boys are all three regularly on the internet.
Honestly, we trust them and yet we know they are going to “check things out.”
What I didn’t expect was the accidental websites that would pop up when they Googled “cockapoo.”
As in a cocker spaniel crossed with a poodle.
That was an uncomfortable phone call a friends mom had to make after our boys spent time there.
I do not want to have to call a mom and tell her what their child happened across at my house!
Our youngest is nine now and I worry he is going to happen across something that will force the “birds and the bees” talk earlier than his twin brothers forced talk. Remember that one? I titled it “Aren’t you glad you only had to do THAT twice for three kids?”
I need more time before I have to explain all “THAT” again!
I attended #SweetSuite in Chicago by #TheBigToyBook a couple of weeks ago and learned about this great product that our Peter would love. I would love it too because it would get him off of my laptop!
There is a tablet called the Kurio 10s and it is designed specifically with internet safety and parental controls in mind.
Here are some of the features Kurio offers in their products:
- Fully customizable Internet content filtering system
- Safe-List option (allows access to approved sites)
- Block-List option (blocks inappropriate sites)
- Predefined filtering profiles
- Separate settings for each user
- Millions of Web addresses indexed & categorized
- The most secure solution for Internet content filtering
This would mean when I am doing a project at home I don’t have to worry about my kids searching for soccer gear at “Dicks Sporting Goods” and accidentally ending up on a website that does not sell soccer shoes.
The internet can be a scary place. I love the idea that the Kurio is BUILT for this purpose. I am not having to download programs and apps and hoping that they filter content.
Disclaimer: This post is written for a contest that Kurio is having for bloggers to win a Kurio product for review. I do not enter many contests but this product really made sense to me and frankly, if it can filter what my three boys search…y’all need one too. 😉
Abbie Gale
All That Makes You…Smile, Laugh, Think, Love or Cry.
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Abbie, I remember reading about the Zoo game – and I’m sorry, but I laughed my butt off, lol! Here’s hoping that you win that Kurio for the boys; I’m sure they’ll enjoy it, and you will have (relative) peace of mind!
Julie Catherine recently posted…Thank you, IndieTribe, Friends & Family!
Thanks Julie! How are things going?!!!!