Tomorrow is our official first day of summer vacation for all three of our boys.
“Look what I caught last night mom!”
This is what I woke up to yesterday.
I wish we could all keep our happy enthusiasm all summer that we have the first month of summer break.
I have an idea
In my kitchen cupboard I keep a set of my grandmothers green Mason jars.
I don’t really use them but seeing them reminds me of her.
Tomorrow I am going to have our boys write down on a slip of paper
1. At least three things they want to do this summer.
2. Three books they want to read.
3. One nice thing they want to do for someone else.
I am going to do the same.
Then we are going to seal up our ideas and a little of our summer excitement and put it back up on the shelf.
If history has taught me anything it is that about the middle of July we all get a bad case of the “I’m boreds.”
When I start fantasizing about dropping them off at school and hashing out how long I think before the school custodian
calls me to tell me that we have five more weeks of summer vacation, I am going to bring down that jar.
Some things sealed up inside I am hoping we would have done, and we will have a chance to recycle some of that excitement
and the others should give us a chance to see if they are still a priority.
Maybe we will think of totally new things to do.
It seems like a good lesson during a long lesson break.
What things do you have planned this summer?
Abbie Gale at “All That Makes You…”
File this one under “THINK”
Abbie can be reached at
Twitter: allthatmakesyou
Facebook page: All That Makes You
Instagram: All That Makes You
Elaine says
I think this is a great idea! I love that you included what you would like to do for someone else!
Stacy Jill says
LOVE this idea. . . .totally doing this 🙂
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