Dear husband,
When you say to our son, “Write it on your wall so you remember the dates. I will take you boys to Atlanta to see a super-cross in February” you should remember he is TEN.
Ten year-olds don’t have Facebook “walls” to write their plans on. Ten year-olds will just write that s*@! on his bedroom wall.
He did tell me he wrote it in pencil and even tested that it will come off before he wrote it GIGANTIC across his wall so when he lays in bed he can see it.
AND TO THINK I THOUGHT HE WAS OUR GENIUS AS HE NEVER WROTE ON THE WALLS AS A TODDLER, or even color the toile quilt on the guest bed like his brothers did with permanent marker because well…toile does look like a new coloring page begging to have…color
Remember when that incident lead to new carpet in the living room when I scrubbed the ink out of the quilt on the floor for hours but didn’t realize the permanent marker spread through the quilt and into the carpet?
It is really a wonder I have spent zero time at a funny farm.
Well, we already have our first story for the 2015 Christmas card and it’s only January.
Help me write a caption for each of these photos. Put them in the comments below.
He could have his own meme website with the expressions he makes when I take a picture.
Did you read the 2014 Christmas letter yet? You get to choose multiple choice style what we did last year. Mostly, it’s more stuff like a snake loose in the car…with us loose in the car too…and the dog.
Here is the link to the Christmas letter because it is pretty funny. That mean I was tortured and you get to laugh, the normal, usual way my stories go.
Abbie Gale
You should totally subscribe to my posts (in that box to the right) so you get an email telling you I have written something new. I am only mildly annoying. Way less annoying than the flash sale emails you get every day. I promise to never ask you to buy anything, unless I ask you for bail money and then you should consider yourself cool because I would have been doing something totally worth getting arrested for which mean I will include you in the story and that would make you “internet famous” to the 16 people that read my stories online.
All That Makes You…
PS If you are a publisher or producer email me and I will give you my phone number. If you are Child Protective Services email me and I will give you the phone number of someone I don’t like. If you want to come and help me fold clothes and put them away I will give you my address and a big kiss.
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