Have I ever told about the time I called 911 when Jim was in Washington DC for six weeks and I was home alone with three little boys? It was terrifying and of course it turned out to be funny because I was, as usual, embarrassing myself. Someone had the front door and was shaking it […]
The Boy Wants Gin on a Snow Day?
I don’t know where you live but here in North Carolina we’re getting snow days. North Carolina is drunk. You may already know I am not a big fan of snow or winter or anything having to do with wearing a coat. Yesterday was a magical snow day for us after I was reminded to […]
Giving Pregnancy Results At The Dollar Store, True Story
I took Mitchell, one of my twins, to Michaels and the Dollar Store today for science project materials. I was standing next to a young man who worked at the store when this rough looking guy came walking up to the store employee and said, “Ummmm, so if I wanted to try to figure out […]
Never Vlog and Drive, A Tractor
I decided I wanted to Vlog about our farm and barn-house. I don’t Vlog but I thought I might try. It ended terribly!!!! Seriously! Never Vlog and drive, a tractor. I caution you, I talk in it. I hate my voice and what I look like on video…but I am trying. Here is the rest […]
Coffee B-eaches! Mama Needs a Spa Weekend!
What’s does it mean if you habitually make coffee and forget to put the actual coffee grounds in, resulting in finding a pot of hot water in the morning? Asking for a friend. Jim also is trying to diagnose me with SOMETHING. Whatever my “illness” it only flares every couple of weeks. I call it, […]