My kids came home from school and told me their friends read the article in our local paper about me.
Did I tell you I was in our local paper?
Yes, I did find a way to talk about my underwear…on the front page???
It was fun and for once, my kids thought their mom was cool!
I am on a roll.
First, and invitation to meet the President and now this.
Twice my boys have thought I am cool in one month!
Then today my boys said a boy at school told them he read the story. He told my boys that “blogger” means lazy.
I know his family. I like them. His mom works outside the home.
I decided to cook dinner with wine.
Guess what is for dinner.
#MeanLittlePeopleSuckToo #IWishIHadTheLazyOption #IKnowYourMama
Why did this bother me so much?
I did spend all last night bottle feeding the only surviving two kittens we rescued. I was up all night after three kittens died right after birth.
Ohhh…my boys. They were so sad.
I HAD to keep the last ones alive.
I was so tired. I started cooking and opened a bottle of wine for… the sauce…and a little for me.
In 24 years Jim has never come home and found me drinking while cooking.
And crying.
Crying because I guess my boys were upset over what was said about me. Crying because our society judges each other so easily, so harshly.
I write.
I tell stories.
I still take care of my family.
I take care of two homes.
Why do people want to say something bad when someone is enjoying something good?
Crying because I chose to stay home with my boys and now I am being shamed for finding something for me that I enjoy, blogging.
I have heard the snickers from adults since I began.
I have seen people roll their eyes.
My friend’s husbands ask judgingly what my husband thinks about my new “hobby.”
I have let it roll off.
There was the time a kid told my youngest his mom “started a blog and got fat.”
My 8 year-old came in crying and wanting to console me.
I am not on a golf league that plays three hours at a time. I am home. I am with my family and usually I am telling stories they can have when they grow up.
Why do people have to judge?
I don’t say, “all that cigarette smoking time could be used more productively.”
Usually, I am saying parents are trying to do the best job they can do in that moment. Who am I to judge? We need to support each other.
Let’s not raise future adults that suck.
Because today, little people sucked too.
We tell our kids to do something in life that makes them happy but it seems when people figure it out and find a way to do what makes them happy they are met with comments like, “Must be nice.”
Can’t you just BE nice?
Don’t suck. Be supportive of one another. If someone isn’t hurting anyone and doing what makes them happy, BE happy for them.
Maybe if you are…you might find happiness will happen for you one day too.
It was chicken Marsala.
Abbie Gale
“All That Makes You…”
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