I have on our calendar “family night” because the boys new school had it on their calendar. I was guessing it was like their old school’s fall family festival. I also have root canal scheduled for today.
I was thinking I was excited more for the root canal since the discomfort for me of…
1. New school (heck ANY school)
2. Remembering people’s names when I have only met them once
is a little like my own personal corner of hell.
Then the boys informed me last night that “family fun night” means no homework and spend time with family.
So I decided we will build a fire and roast marshmallows.
Can you believe we pay for private school and I don’t homeschool?
I feel like I got a snow day!!!!!
No homework and no school and no awkward Abbie around strangers!
And marshmallows.
I love “family night!”
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