I couldn’t deny he is my son.
I couldn’t deny any of the three of them our mine.
Morning One of Summer Vacation Log:
This is strong work my young apprentice from one so young. You make the Mama Master of Pranks proud.
Summer Lesson:
If you sleep in later than your baby brother chances are you will wake up with Muppet eyebrows.
What makes it better? Big brothers have two friends spending the night to be little brothers audience.
I have a feeling my journal entry tomorrow may include the title, “First Swirly For Peter.”
Have any of you been around long enough to remember my story from last year?:
Why Summer Vacations are Longer for Mothers of Boys
Pray for me, you better pray for them too.
Abbie Gale
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PS If you are a publisher or producer email me and I will give you my phone number. If you are Child Protective Services email me and I will give you the phone number of someone I don’t like. If you want to come and help me fold clothes and put them away I will give you my address and a big kiss.
Heh. Good to be back doing the WordPress thing – I guess you’ve all been well?
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