I havent posted anything since Sunday. Mainly because my website has been under construction. I have the most patient woman in the world helping me use a new template and installing plugins and helping organize my messes.
I have been a little lazy too, (see pic below.)
My new skeleton came in the mail yesterday. As if I have an “old” skeleton.
Wait a minute, we did once have a REAL skeleton when Jim was in medical school.
Yep, that was an awesome year of worry.
Worry that my dog would eat one of Edna’s bones, (we named her Edna.) Edna was creepier that my avatar skeleton you see here.
(Anyone who knows me knows this is my happy place. My front porch and reading on my iphone.)
Edna lived in a wooden suitcase. It really was awesome. Not.
I tend to ponder and pondering over this woman’s life and her decision to give her remains to medicine and how that decision ended up putting a wooden box in my HOME with her remains in them…and then I start thinking about what Edna looked like. Did Edna really want to be forever in a box disassembled?
This is why I did NOT go into medicine. I also do not have the aptitude. Wait a minute, doctors have someone transcribe their words. I could have TOTALLY gone into medicine.
Let me know what you think so far of the changes to my blog. I don’t even know if people can comment! Let me know if you are able to subscribe or follow the way you prefer. Please give me any advice to make allthatmakesyou.com easy and enjoyable to use. I just want to get back to sharing stories. Ha ha!
-Dr Abbie Gale (OMWord I am kidding), allthatmakesyou.com
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Did Edna will her corpse to medicine, or was she perhaps trafficked from some faraway land? Because I was laboring under the impression that med schools buried cadavers after use.
They do a very respectful ceremony for the cadavers and I am not sure if they cremate or bury. Jim’s school spends an entire year with the same cadaver. It is a very respectful relationship as it was with the “bones.” I’m not sure if every school does this. I am nearly certain the bones were pretty old and treated to be used in this manner. I am not sure if they give special permission for this type of donation. Jim became a bone specialist, (MSK radiologist as well as breast doc) and it was a very useful training tool. Jim is very tender hearted. He would cover the hands of his cadaver when he worked. She was an elderly lady and the hands made him very aware of her being loved by someone.
You don’t live on Abbie Road. You just don’t.
Ha! No. But it’s almost as good! I blurred out the real address and put that up for giggles! Ha ha! You noticed!
Your blog is very pretty. Mine is currently the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. I suppose this is why you hire someone who actually knows what they are doing.
I think that I might stick a post-it to my driver’s license that says, “Yes, I am willing to donate my body to science, but please don’t put my skeleton in a box and give it out to med students.”
The site looks cool. I cannot find a “LIKE” button… Love the picture!!