She may not have wanted the burden of a family once she had it but she took care of us all. The family she ended up with was her cross to bear. There is a restlessness in some of us, like my mom, that my grandmother recognized. She never could figure out how to “mother” that.
Silly Silent Saturday
Made me think of one I wrote last year called I Wish Everything In Life Had a Track To Guide Us and Keep Us Safe.
Should Have Married a Dentist
I love iPhoto. I tried repeatedly to erase a blemish on someone’s face before I realized my laptop screen has a little boy “finger goober” on it. Then I had that “oh crap” moment! You know, the moment you realize you just sprayed your laptop screen with your dogs breath spray instead of the screen cleaner. […]
Silly Saturday
I’m ordering Thai and locking my bedroom door tonight. Think they are trying to bring the rest of the body back that WAS attached to the hand. Dear boys, please don’t turn on the stove. Dear Insurance Agent, The fire would be self contained anyway as we followed all code requirements when having cabinets built […]
Where I have been and skeletons keeping me company.
I havent posted anything since Sunday. Mainly because my website has been under construction. I have the most patient woman in the world helping me use a new template and installing plugins and helping organize my messes. I have been a little lazy too, (see pic below.) My new skeleton came in the mail yesterday. […]