Our Tom Sawyer, (Peter) caught a squirrel with his live trap within four hours.
It was immediately let go after enjoying its apple.
smile, laugh, think, love, cry and cry laughing...
The motor home has been forever “for sale” on the back forty. I felt the need to snap some photos of it in case one of those shows like American Pickers or Antiques Road Show stops by and decides the “seventies mobile” needs to be in a museum. All the years I spent trying to keep this monster out of the background in the pictures I take while we are in Michigan and now I am snapping pictures of it to make us laugh when we are old.
Please feel free to share a link to the blog content but please ask permission before using any of content including images. All content is property of "All That Makes You…" and is protected as such. The stories here are mostly true but Abbie has been known to exaggerate and stretch the truth. If you think she is writing about you, she probably isn't. You probably shouldn't be so ridiculous people want to write about you. OK, You are awesome if she wants to write about you. You will know if it is you though because she will ask you first if it is OK.