Spoiler Alert!
Spoiler alert in case you don’t know who the real Santa is.
If I ever turn up dead it was one of the three UPS drivers that came to my house today that did it.
Or my husband Jim did it, I suppose.
For the same before mentioned packages.
Twitter @allthatmakesyou
Email me at: allthatmakesyousmile@gmail.com
PS If you are a publisher or producer email me and I will give you my phone number. If you are Child Protective Services email me and I will give you the phone number of someone I don’t like. If you want to come and help me fold clothes and put them away I will give you my address and a big kiss.
I really torture the UPS guy by buying things every other day or so. That way they have to keep showing up. But my pile of cardboard boxes looks very similar to yours…