Me, “You are too young for us to go white water rafting in Yosemite.”
Ten year-old, “You need to get me a fake birth certificate so I can do things I want to do. Make me thirteen.”
Me, “But they will see you have no markings of puberty like armpit hair.”
Ten year-old, “They will be too busy looking at my abs to notice.”
He does P90X in our gym because it’s pool season.
Pray for me.
Do you see how cut he is? This was me walking outside to let our dog out. Blurry picture but you can still see his muscles. “Look what I caught mom.”
How do I keep him ten longer? Why does he want to grow up so fast? How does a mother of three (double digit pregnancies) find her abs because I use the gym too and those little jerks are not showing themselves.
Abbie Gale
All That Makes You…
#Blogger #MomBlogger #FamilyStories #FunnyFamily #WeNeedOurOwnRealityShow #RealityShow #AbbieGale
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