I decided I wanted to Vlog about our farm and barn-house.
I don’t Vlog but I thought I might try.
It ended terribly!!!!
Never Vlog and drive, a tractor.
I caution you, I talk in it. I hate my voice and what I look like on video…but I am trying.
Here is the rest of the story…
There was no video of me going into the ditch because I saw my teenager coming down the hill on a dirtbike without a helmet! I was video taping and I was so mad I threw my phone in a cup holder and pulled off to the right because I was afraid he was going to run straight into the tractor. All boys travel the shortest distance to show or tell their mothers something and he was heading straight to decapitate himself on the tractor bucket. I was getting ready to open the door and give him a butt-chewing but instead I am now in a ditch and instead of me chewing him out he is chewing me out for “putting dad’s tractor in a ditch” and he was screaming for me to get out of the tractor in case it rolls so I don’t “die”.
Then we did the walk of shame to the house…laughing.
I told Jim the tractor was in the ditch teetering in a group text to all the neighbor couples and reminded him about the time he ran over my “redneck driveway living room” and crushed the sofa, two chairs and coffee tables I drink wine (vodka) in the driveway with the other neighbor moms. It is a loss we girls are still mourning.
His response to the photo I sent of the tractor…teetering, confirmed I found my soul-mate.
I am so nervous to share a video of me, almost no makeup and three layers of warm clothes and let’s not talk about my “barn hair.”
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Abbie Gale
All That Makes You…
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