Last night we ended up with a gaggle of teenage boys fishing in the pond behind the house. Not a bad way for 15 year-olds to spend a Friday evening.
It did end with one of our sons getting stitches. How many times have we as mother said don’t throw rocks and no swinging sticks?
I am just happy it was the back of his head and not his eye.
Just before the injury Peter, (our ten year-old) came walking in from the backyard seeming to be proud.
Peter, “I helped a couple of Avery and Mitchell’s friends with their fishing poles and setting up their poles and lines.”
Me, “That must feel great to have a high-schooler need your help and you know how to do it when you are still a kid. I am proud of you buddy. You are smart and good.”
This is the memory I have of Peter being smart and good.
He walks out of the room and mumbles to me, “Yeah, but I told them I would do it if they gave me a match.”
This is the reality.
So two blessings…it wasn’t Mitchell’s eye that the stick hit and Peter hasn’t taken up smoking and he hasn’t burned the house down, yet.
Remember when you thought that when you no longer needed babysitters you would have hot nights out as a couple and have cocktails and come in late?
Yes, this is a summer picture of the backyard and you should be happy I didn’t share with you the picture Avery took of Mitchell’s gaping hole and Jim stitching him up, because I sent that to a friend and I fear she isn’t talking to me anymore.
If anyone wants to bring me a chicken pie or send me to a “mom weekend” at a spa ALONE I am not too proud to accept.
I was Jim’s nurse and I had to hold Mitchell’s hand and scissor after the knots.
I did make a beautiful dinner, that sat cold while the gaggle of teenage boys sat at the kitchen table eating fudgecicles shouting out, “eww gross!” while Jim worked.
Did I mention how awesome Friday night was?
I have no idea where that match is Peter “earned”.
Judging parents of young children, I cant wait until you get yours.
Mine used to argue over sidewalk chalk and I thought that was a rough day.
Now they are auditioning for “Jacka$$ the Southern Country Club Version 2020” on the daily.
Want to read about the time I had to text the neighbors and tell them we were missing a razor and tampon and not to be alarmed if it showed up on a swingset? That story is here.
Abbie Gale
“All That Makes You…”
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