Saying goodbye at camp.Little brother Peter was left to watch Lilly our dog while we were unpacking Mitchell and Avery. Peter was so worried our dog was upset that we were leaving his big brothers. I think perhaps little brother was a little sad we were leaving them too.
Can you see how nervous Avery and Mitchell are while we check them in?
I went to summer camp for the first time when I was their age.
That is what I kept chanting to myself every time I had the thought to throw them back into the car and drive them to Disney World so I wouldn’t have to leave them with strangers.
The summer camp I went to in Michigan was not sitting on the top of a mountain though.
I would have happily stayed with them for these views for a week.
The camps now email the parents daily pictures of their kids and what they are up to.
The camp sent me this picture the first day. I snapped a quick pic of the computer screen on my phone and texted it to my husband.
It looks like my boys are fitting right in.
Do you have fond memories of summer camp when you were a child? Did you decide to send your own children to sleep away camp?
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How old are M & A? My girls haven’t gone away to summer camp yet – although last year the older did spend three days at 5th grade camp in Howell, an hour or so away. She loved it. I think, faced with a week of being away at summer camp, she’d be half homesick and half thinking “FREEDOM!” The younger? She wouldn’t yet go away from home for that long if we paid her.
The twins are 12 and it was a shortened session of five nights. They did fine but our 8 year old would have had a hard time at night. We are going thought the “what if everyone is wrong about God and Heaven” thing when he gets sleepy and I wouldn’t wish that on an 18 year old camp counselor. Bahaha!!!
Btw, the twins would have been homesick in 5th grade! I have a whole post about their contrasting camp experience. Urg.