Here are things we learned this weekend…
1. When the kids ask for you to get a boogie board down in the garage in April, you better ask, “What for?”
2. Do not search for “bedtime stories about birds migrating” to read to your kid in bed, without first reading the story. This makes for explanations that take far longer than bedtime story.
“To hell with your city, I am back to the forest on my own – said the forest sparrow that befriended first with the city sparrow in the forest.
We too shall follow you – yelled the all other forest sparrows.”
3. April is too early to get out the blow up water slide, even if it is 83 degrees. I just added an extra month of drying, folding, packing, raking, and MUD to my life.
4. If you set the bowl of Doritoes on the porch SOMEBODY is going to put their foot in it.
(as if I am fast enough to get a picture of THAT)
5. When finally leaving your house to get take out at 8:00pm to feed your family, check the top of your car for your neighbor BOYS iphone 4S.
6. Download “iPhone tracker” onto every Apple device you own because it can find an iPhone sitting on the side of the road.
7. Do not confuse the words cocky and melancholy because your mom will probably put you into a new school by Monday.
8. If you blow up a water slide…they will come.
9. If you blow up a water slide you better have a good selection of wine for the Mammas that come too.
10. We are going to have to learn to love, at least one, Canada Goose in our backyard…
Little guy was abandoned by his flock and another flock was beating him up all day and pecking him. The boys waited a long time before finally swimming out to the island to bring him back. The said they named him, “Lucky Duck.” I reminded them he was a goose. They told me his first name is “Lucky” and his last name is “Duck” and since they were his “new mom” now, they can name him what they want, (say a little prayer for me tonight.)
Mother Nature was probably doing “her thing” because the little guy has a bad leg.
The kids went to school and I was left with taking care of him and feeding him until we found someone who can rehab him, properly.
He flips over and likes his belly rubbed. He makes a purring sound and you can see his eyes close. What am I doing???!!! I am at war with these beasts who crap all over my yard! I buy fake coyotes to stare at them from our lawn!
Lilly, does not understand why we are “sleeping with the enemy.” Lucky Duck got to sleep inside the laundry room. It was NOT dying on my watch. I would have never gotten my kids to school and it’s Monday and I REALLY, REALLY need them to go to school!
This is where Lilly went after “Lucky Duck” bit her in the nose. Ugh…why didn’t I get a picture of that?! Look BEHIND the chair.
Look at Lilly licking her lips thinking about how delicious Lucky Duck would be.
Here is Lilly telling me how good she is and how she deserves to cuddle with this little fluff ball.
And…GOT IT THIS TIME! There is Lucky Duck reminding Lilly that ALL Canada Geese, even the little ones, run this property.
Here is Lilly realizing that it is better to just observe while waiting for the neighbor to take him off. We made a deal. I would keep him for the night and the other mom would run him to the right office today. We had a slew of kids here that played all day. I got a text message from a mom asking how “Lucky” was because her son was so distraught falling asleep that poor little “Lucky” might not make it.
“Lucky Duck” is at a Vet that is an avian wildlife licensed rehabilitation expert. Or, the neighbor just told me that when driving off with him in the tote. Either way I have photos to show the boys after school and now all I have to go feed are a dozen bullfrog tadpoles, some hermit crabs, turtles and a frog. Lilly is off eating her kibble but dreaming of goose nuggets.
Click the “Follow Me” button and I will keep you updated on “Luck Duck” and hopefully make you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
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- Heading Out… (
“Step away from the dogs mamma! She is my mamma now!”
Seriously, she likes to be held. This was her telling my phone to “go away!”
I was laughing at the boogie board one — my kids did that (I didn’t ask why) and used it with a skateboard to turn it into some sort of driveway “sled” thing…needless to say it was broken in under an hour. Then I got to the duck story — aw, how good of you. I have saved several a wild animal…including ducks before. You are good people and I’m glad I’m following your blog!!
I love the list–it summarizes what must have been one interesting weekend in a very entertaining way.
And kudos to you for your rescue mission!
I’ve been reading your posts since the ‘one’ I read on BlogHer. I had no words to comment on that. But now I must tell you how much I admire your fantastic writing but even more your spirit. I truly love people who move beyond their past and re-write their own script – your script reads beautifully ♥
Thank you. I had a hard time writing it, putting even just my first name on it and my picture. I have had a hard time commenting on the comments but I feel like I need to. I haven’t even replied to the comments on WordPress yet. I will, eventually. Fantastic writing? Dude, that means a lot since “writing” would be the last thing I would call this. More like telling a story and trying to put it in print. I missed way too much school growing up to know how to punctuate and can we give the inventor of spell check his own tropical island? Thanks for reading and I will have more stories. I consider myself a story teller that has to unfortunately write the stories down. 😉
Writing that post took a lot of courage but as you said it’s something you needed to do and I’m sure many people will be empowered through it. You’re way too modest…but if you want to be called a story-teller then you’re a great one!
I absolutely love reading you bloc! If I need a good laugh or something to smile at, I log on and read your story of the day- keep them coming!
Oh and the pictures crack me up even without reading the accompanying story 😉
ANother person telling me to quit talking. 😉 ha ha! I’m so bad about taking pictures of everything. I am a digital photo hoarder. It is coming in handy now! Thanks, you are so sweet. Keep coming back and commenting so I don’t feel like I am talking to myself!
I am a photo hoarder too and take pictures of everything! Before I had my daughter I thought I was bad enough… but now, holy cow- we have a TON of pictures 😉
I seriously laughed so hard at number 8. As crazy as it may seem, your stories of your children seriously make me laugh so hard! Thanks for sharing yet another great post!
I love your site. If there was “internet” when I was your age I would have been you! Ha ha! You probably haven’t even see the movie that that line in #8 is from your so young. Do you know? 🙂 “Field of Dreams” and that my friend is why my kids set that thing up by the street! They know every kid will see it there and come over. Guaranteed party. Problem…I was so happy they were busy I was naked, in a towel, with a mud mask on and a conditioning treatment in my hair when the kids came in and said, “Mrs. ____” is here looking for you.” The reast they say, “Is history.”
Haha yeah I know the movie. My family are major baseball fans so I’ve seen them all…that’s why the line made me laugh so hard! But I seriously enjoy hearing all your crazy adventures. They really do make me laugh!
Thanks. I love that you enjoy it.
What a lovely post! And nice work, saving Lucky Duck!
Thanks, but I would have let him be. I think he was born that way as my husband could not feel a fracture. Based on his size I would say he has done fine so far. I grew up on a farm so I may have a “tougher” opinion. I just hate seeing anything suffer and it was so stinking sweet. 🙁 I will say that the goose was a much better find than the lizard TAIL I found on my kitchen table today. I will have nightmares tonight I am sure. 😉