Update! I am going! That is, I am going to BlogHer 12 in New York City!
Well, I just booked the trip to BlogHer 2012 and I just realized I have NOTHING prepared!
Do people still carry business cards? Will people look at what is on my laptop, over my shoulder, while I am in a meeting? Do they too have pictures of their husband (accidentally) spooning your dog while sleeping and photos of bathroom stalls with abnormally low walls, (what is the point?) Will I look like a doofus if I drag around a PAPER notebook?
How do I get rid of this giant zit in the middle of my forehead that looks like a “start” button before I fly out? Will they refuse me entrance onto the plane for fear I have a communicable disease? Do I need a note from my dermatologist saying I am not contagious but you probably shouldn’t stare at it too closely?
Do I just draw “Start” above Pablo, (I named it Pablo-the-Pimple) and it could be “my thing” like The Bloggess with her rollers or The Bearded Iris with her beard? Damn you iPhoto for making it so easy to “disappear” my pimples that I get disappointed when I look in an actual mirror!
I am too stinkin’ excited, especially considering a week ago I wasn’t going!
To add to the excitement, don’t tell anyone because I cannot believe it myself with as much as I have traveled and it makes me feel a bit like Ellie Mae Clampett but…
With that said, if you see me wandering around NYC aimlessly, do me a favor and yell, “MOM!!!!!! We’re hungry! He broke my Lego Star Wars ship! I can’t poop! I can’t stop pooping! Come and see my cool corn poop!” That way I don’t get homesick.
Also if you see me, please introduce yourself in case I don’t recognize you because you look SO MUCH better in person!
If you never hear from me again it is because I ran away from home and joined the circus as…
“The Woman With a Unicorn Horn”
Remember my story about “Unicorn Horn or Extra Finger?”
I so should have chosen the unicorn horn.
At least it would have covered the Pablo-the-Pimple.
Follow us for…
All that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
Oh Abbie, you will love New York. I went there last November for the first time. It was amazing! It is the greatest city in the world. You won’t be disappointed. I am waiting to go again when the new twin towers are built which should be around next summer. 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful time! P.s., I love your blog! Oh – do you know if WordPress has any conferences? I don’t think it does, does it?
“With that said, if you see me wandering around NYC aimlessly, do me a favor and yell, “MOM!!!!!! We’re hungry! He broke my Lego Star Wars ship! I can’t poop! I can’t stop pooping! Come and see my cool corn poop!” That way I don’t get homesick.”
I laughed so hard at the pooping, because my kids do the exact same thing…how am I supposed to help with that!?! I can’t wait to read about your experience at this conference; it has definitely piqued my interest!
Congratulations! Good for you!
You will LOVE NYC, have fun!!!