Lost phone equals lost brain, for me. I have been rendered almost useless upon arrival in San Diego when I departed the plane and my phone vanished. I have looked everywhere at the airport and called and used “Find My iPhone” and it has vanished…. …along with all my reservations and addresses and plans for […]
Ten Stupid Things I Learned at My First Blogging Conference
We wished we had someone with more experience to talk to but it turns out those with more experience were out together trying to get away from the people trying to “crack into their nut.” I get it. I have long time girlfriends too and I am sure these women have amazing relationships. Do I sound jealous? I am not because I really do get it. They have worked very hard to learn what they have learned and I am sure they had some bumps and bruises along the way.
I Don’t Want to Go!
Just don’t want to leave Disney tomorrow. Fun times had by all. It has been freezing here. 45 degrees today. 45 degrees!!! We still killed about 12 ice cream desserts each! May have snow in North Carolina this week. Oh my! Abbie Gale Allthatmakesyou.com Disney Geek (I know that is hard to believe)
Ellie Mae Takes on NYC
With that said, if you see me wandering around NYC aimlessly, do me a favor and yell, “MOM!!!!!! We’re hungry! He broke my Lego Star Wars ship! I can’t poop! I can’t stop pooping! Come and see my cool corn poop!” That way I don’t get homesick.
Also if you see me, please introduce yourself in case I don’t recognize you because you look SO MUCH better in person!
What is a Wordless Wednesday?
I took this photo yesterday at my father in-laws house. Ok, so I get the wordless Wednesday thing but I have been without any consistent technology and I’m breaking! So until I finish writing, (ON MY PHONE) a post for tomorrow I will leave you with a photo I took yesterday, and a few words. […]