Lost phone equals lost brain, for me. I have been rendered almost useless upon arrival in San Diego when I departed the plane and my phone vanished. I have looked everywhere at the airport and called and used “Find My iPhone” and it has vanished…. …along with all my reservations and addresses and plans for […]
I Don’t Want to Go!
Just don’t want to leave Disney tomorrow. Fun times had by all. It has been freezing here. 45 degrees today. 45 degrees!!! We still killed about 12 ice cream desserts each! May have snow in North Carolina this week. Oh my! Abbie Gale Allthatmakesyou.com Disney Geek (I know that is hard to believe)
Upside Down Smile
I asked him to smile and he told me this was an upside-down smile. I mean, he is the kid asking for a real sword and I talked him into this foam thingy-ma-bob-spikey-ball. Still going strong at Disney World and Mama isn’t even drinking her way through the countries! I did have to explain to […]
Sliver of Morning Light
This morning our Peter found a sliver of light to play with his new Star Wars action figures he picked out at Tatouine (spelling for made up Star Wars word?) Traders at the end of Star Tours. A little #Disney Magic!
We Are Happy! We Are!
For the love of Pete if they are making this face in the first Disney pic I take will they be mooning me by Sunday? Just landed in Orlando! Disney World here we come! Can’t believe we left Jim home to work. Whoo-hoop!!!!! Love me some Disney magic! Abbie Gale and my band of merry […]