Under comments post what you would give photo #1 as a caption and photo #2 as a caption. I will sit back and enjoy (he he he) and on Monday I will choose my favorite and put a trackback to your blog.
Here are two of my older posts that make me laugh and they may make you too!
March 10 “Make sure mom is REALLY dead before we dig the hole!”
March 2 “Forgot to tell them to keep their heads out of the toilet.”
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I want to give people a place to go that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing. A place to go after you have read the news on your mobile and now you need a story you can relate to because we are all part of some kind of family. I am so honored you stopped by and I am looking forward to sharing more of our family stories! Mostly I am just trying to document why I deserve a trip to the nutt house for a week to a spa. Have a great weekend and may you have happy chaos that shakes you alive.
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#1: Move over, you’re blocking my view.
#2: Mom, are we still being punished?
Caption 1: You know what they say about two heads…
Caption 2: Are we suppose to have this much baggage at our age?
Caption #1: “I have got to do some redecorating in here!”
Caption #2 “Okay, so we got the legs part – now, how do they pull their heads inside?”