“ Peter wants to be a BEE because they are not allergic to pollen.”
– Peter’s school paper he brought home.
I love the drawing of the bee stinging the guy in the head and the guy screaming. Well, that is what they get for insisting he draw a picture. Please note the use of one crayon color. This is what I get when I ask him to stop drawing pictures at school of guns, knives and blood.
As much as he hates pollen, all of our boys love the flowers around the yard. Peter likes to check what colors are on this hydrangea this week.
-Abbie, All that makes you… allthatmakesyou.com
Related articles
- Noshing on Pollen (myhoneybees.wordpress.com)
- Benefits of Bee Pollen (atcbeefarm.wordpress.com)
LOL! That is one monster-sized bee! So funny! 😀
He is so ridiculous! His birthday is this week and my gift to him is to help him with his own blog for the summer. That is a whole different post! He is so mad I don’t use his “real” name on here and I use my real name and my husbands. I didn’t feel it was a good idea. Anyway, he wants his first post to be him telling “the world” his REAL name! Bahahha! As if he would be famous. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Love it! As I think you may already know, we got a winner of our own sent home:
I made a giant tote today of the kids school “keepers.” Thank goodness for photos! This stuff is priceless. Thanks for reading. 🙂
I just laughed so hard! I love the minds of children, especially when it comes to drawing pictures. This is definitely fridge-worthy!
I can’t remember if I copied onto here, (some stuff is from my personal FB page that I type stuff out on my phone when it happens so I don’t forget) anyway, it is about him mad at his teacher because he had homework to count windows and doors in our house. It made him so MAD! He wrote the symbol for infinity to get back at her. Thank God she gets him and laughed.