Not everyone has a Hallmark commercial memory playing above their heads when they think of Mother’s Day. That doesn’t mean I don’t celebrate my Mother and being a mother.
Youth Will Eventually Work It’s Way Out
Naivety can be a blessing and youth will eventually work itself out, with age.
Wants to be a (Fill in the Blank)
I love the drawing of the bee stinging the guy in the head and the guy screaming. Well, that is what they get for insisting he draw a picture. Please note the use of one crayon color. This is what I get when I ask him to stop drawing pictures at school of guns, knives and blood.
Pool + Dentist = (See Photo)
Ok, so the weird genes may be all me. Let’s hope the kids get the “smart doctor” genes from my husband and “grammar” genes, OH…and the “hard teeth” genes from him as well.
Summer Vacation Begins in HOW Many Days? Help!!!
will make them carry a “Complaint Journal.” I am thinking if they have to document how much they complain by “complaint” and “time” it may be an eye opening experience for them.