Six years ago we moved into the home we live in now. Peter was one and I was so worried he would wake up confused and looking for us and fall down one of the staircases.
One would think that by the third child I would have been less concerned and wouldn’t be behaving like a first time parent.
Nope, I ordered a safety cover for Peters crib to use for a few months until he was accustomed to the new house.
I put it together stepped back to look at it and, OMWord, I just assembled a cage for my child!
I was mortified at myself. I tried justifying it when I saw it in the catalog, it was better than a broken arm or leg or worse, right?
In reality, to see it around his bed…it was a cage.
Just as I decided to take it apart and send it back Peter walked in.
He gasped, “ahhhhhhh…eeeeee!”
Then he squealed, “BUBBLE BED!!!!!”
He wanted to go in?
I lifted him up and zipped it closed.
He played around full of smiles and then HE UNZIPPED IT!
So much for the expensive safety device.
Peter thought we bought him a new fancy “BUBBLE BED!”
So much for returning it.
He went promptly into a twin bed.
This week he is moving again to a larger bed and getting a new room. It makes me a little sad that my boys are getting so big, but also excited for them. We are having new carpet put in and all three boys are coming out of their twin beds into larger ones that they can move into their first place, one day. This makes me VERY sad. I am going to try and cherish every moment as they just grow up so fast.
I will have pictures of their rooms before and after soon.
Abbie, All that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
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We had a “tent” play pen for Gavin when he was little. 🙂 Same kind of thing, but he loved it too! He was crawling out of his crib by 15 months and we couldn’t keep him in his toddler bed so we thought we would try it. He thought it was a blast, especially because it didn’t take him long to make a little hole that he could escape through! Boys are so funny! 🙂
Boys are funny and if I were a bad mom I would post a picture of him standing on his changing table, wiping his own rear end and throwing the icky wipes in the diaper pail he opened before he climbed up! He was about 18 months and went #2 when he was sleeping and when I heard him awake in the morning he was “changing his own diaper!” He potty trained himself about the same time but had an accident when he slept that night. Thank goodness I put a diaper on him to sleep. Oh, and pop up tents are the best thing ever to entertain kids!
I was just thinking of the same thing – it’s strange isn’t it to look in the eye the process of growing up. I don’t have children but I’ve been thinking about how things change as we grow up/older. It’s like a strange journey … Anyway have fun moving and decorating their new room!
It is such a journey! How we go from loving a doll or stuffed animal to wanting to run away where there are no rules, and you have no appreciation for all that is done for you until you do it for someone else one day.
I remember the move to the big boy rooms! It is a bittersweet day when the crib is taken down. Have fun decorating their new rooms!
Thanks, and I am trying to have fun. I have hit the sorting of legos, Lincoln logs, playmobile and I find myself asking myself philosophical questions such as, WHAT AM I DOING! THEY ARE JUST GOING TO MIX IT ALL UP IN FIVE MINUTES! I think I will have a harder time boxing up their little kid books and toys. I have sent a ton off to donate over the years but the toys that become part of your family… 🙁
So bittersweet.
🙁 I just remind myself how every stage counts and is important…and then I go sleep in their beds with them and smell their hair. I could just eat them up.
I LOVE the smell of little boy hair.
This really made me grin – it really doesn’t take much to delight the heart of a child, and that is just such a wonderful thing! … even better than the safety net, although I’ll bet you almost had heart failure, lol! 🙂
Totally! He just popped his little finger in the zipper and slid them apart until he could get his hands out and unzip it. I was just so worried he would go looking for us and get confused at night. He showed me, he goes to his brothers beds right next door! Currently, they are ALL sleeping in my room until the fumes go away and I feel like I LIVE IN A HAMSTER CAGE! My bedroom smells and there are boys and blankets and bunnies and…I like it a little but glad it is temporary. They like to toot and giggle and I am a girl for pete’s sake! Gross!