It is so hard to voice political opinions when you are talking friendships.
You want to respect one another.
I have been very careful to not voice my opinion online.
I was just over on my Facebook page and found so many people I respect and care about are complaining about the outcome of the election.
I keep reading that they are praying.
I pray too, a lot.

I even pray that those that aren’t as fortunate as we are can find someone to help them.
I pray that there are resources available for those we love and I pray that our lawmakers will use our tax money to take care of Americans and even help take care of anyone in need, anywhere.
I pray for my dad who has worked hard his whole life and cannot retire because he has a preexisting condition that forces him to work and only take a job that offers the same brand of health insurance.
I thank God regularly that when I was put on bed rest at 13 weeks pregnant with twins, and was told to not name them, that they were born alive.
My health insurance expired because I couldn’t return to work because my babies needed around the clock care and my husband was in medical school.
When a specialist said my tiny baby needed surgery, I began sobbing because I knew we couldn’t afford Cobra insurance coverage.
I pray and thank God regularly that I live in a country that takes care of it’s people.
I was a lifelong republican before this experience.
Now I am a listener and a person who doesn’t judge. I don’t even judge based on your affiliation. I vote based on your beliefs and I don’t mean religion. That has nothing to do with how I vote. I vote for the person that is aligned with my convictions, the best another person can be.
I don’t judge. I don’t know what that person endured that made them flee their country for a better life. I know that my ancestors did the same back when people weren’t standing at the borders with guns. They came to America when people called the Irish drunks and the Italians dirty.
How can we forget what our great country was founded on? How can we not realize that complaining about illegals working for below a living wage and at jobs that American’s aren’t interested in doing is wrong. How can we condemn people for wanting an education to better their future generations, despite how they came into our country?
Immigrants, legal or illegal, love our country. That is why they are here. That is why they have enlisted into our armed forces and that is why they want their children to be educated here.
What is a sin is judging others or assuming that someone that has needed assistance is lazy.
I assure you. I am not lazy. My physician husband is not lazy. We needed help when our children were sick. I promise you we have repaid every bit of it back in taxes and in charitable donations and with a smile on our faces.
We believe in paying it forward.
One of the biggest determining factors, when it came to voting, was international relations.
I don’t care about the price of gas. It shouldn’t be cheaper than a gallon of milk.

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Dear Parents of Young Children Who Hate the Idea of Gay Marriage
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I love this … every part of it. I am especially glad that your children were born happy and healthy because I have known similar fright. I wholeheartedly agree with every single word of this — every single word. I lost my this year, but I don’t blame Obama. He’s the president; not a damn wizard. And, furthermore, how much can one accomplish when everyone is against him or her? Your words were not only wise; they were well-written. Great post! I hope more people read this and really consider what you have to say. My blogger idol post for this week was also inspired by all the obnoxious facebook comments in response to the election results. 🙂
By the way, those boys are all very handsome!
I marvel at the choices I’ve made here on WP, Abbie. Time and again, I think to myself how fabulous these people I’m keeping up with are – you (and your family – the pooch, too) have always been among the most fabulous, and this just seals the deal. As if I didn’t have a pile of respect for you already…
After your marriage equality post from a while back, I know you can handle it with aplomb, but still I hope you don’t get beat up for this one.
Oh, I took my beating when I copied it on Facebook and you know what? I too realized how thankful I am for the community of people out there that I have met online because they stood up for me and it was amazing. I didn’t care if people agreed and I don’t mind debate but when things got a little insulting people had my back and that was awesome. I always have a smile when I see you have been by and left a comment. I am happy to have connected. 🙂
Love this post, Abbie – I feel the same as you do. I am grateful that we live in North America (Canada for me) and have the freedom and the resources we need that so many other countries do not. Very well said. 🙂
Love this. So powerful. I’m a fellow Mom of boys (4 of them…5 if you include my husband, which I typically do), so we have a few things in common. Dirty bathrooms are probably on the list.
I also include my husband with my boy count. You give me hope. You have one more boys and you’re still ALIVE! I cleaned the bolts of the toilet seat today with a toothbrush. You know exactly what I mean. Thanks for coming by and hope to see you here more. 🙂
Well said. Brava.
Thank you. It’s far more popular on my blog than Facebook. Ha ha!