It is so hard to voice political opinions when you are talking friendships. You want to respect one another. I have been very careful to not voice my opinion online. I was just over on my Facebook page and found so many people I respect and care about are complaining about the outcome of the […]
Dear Parent’s Who Do Not Think All Americans Should Have the Same Rights,
Your religion should not be dictating our laws. This is what founded this country. We believed in freedom for all. We believed to be treated equally. Why should opposite sex couples be allowed more freedoms than same-sex couples? If you don’t like it based on your religious beliefs then don’t let them get married in your church.
A Letter to NC Supporters of the Marriage Amendment
How can you know your children are going to be straight or gay? How do you know that if one of you children announces in twenty years that they are in love with someone and want to share their life with them that you will be able to say “those words”, then, that you are plastering all over FaceBook, now? How can you look at your child and tell them that their love is less valuable than the love of two people who do not have the same “private parts?” How can you teach your children to love and to be “Godly” and to not judge and yet you are?
Why I will never be “Freshly Pressed”
Why I Will Never be Freshly Pressed 1. I didn’t put TEN REASONS why I will never be “Freshly Pressed” as my title. Everyone knows you need a numbered list. 2. I usually have a picture of children being rotten in my posts. The pictures are also of poor quality because I am snapping it with a phone while […]