If any of you were around here last Easter you know it was the holiday that almost sent me to the NUT HOUSE.
Innocent sweet pastelled bunnies and pretty painted eggs.
Well, the antics in my house inspired many things for me to share with you from my craftier side.
The crafty side that includes decoupaged Easter eggs talking of drunken mothers. Mothers that probably had three boys.
I keep this under wraps but…”I gots me some skills”,
I can craft, cook and get ready…I can sew too. It is shocking, I know.
I might share some of the projects below if any of my friends on here would like me to elaborate.
I don’t talk about those things on here. I might get more readers if I did and I might share some of the things I have done some other time but I want to get back to the upcoming holiday at hand.
For now I want to remind you of last Easter weekend 2012.
If you haven’t read about the stream of disasters my boys dreamt up and executed please just click this link below.
We are heading to San Antonio for the first time!
They have The Alamo there! To three boys it may as well be a trip to see Mars.
We are staying at a resort that looks like it has enough to keep three boys and my husband busy and me NOT busy.
And Lizards! Lizards for them to catch and water slides for them to ride and golf for the hubs to marvel over and I even have him signed up for a lesson.
I am planning on sneaking off to the spa they have.
Planning. Crossing fingers.
Cross fingers with me.
I am just certain a mom designed this resort.
(The photos above are from their website that you can get to by clicking their link above)
If you hear of a mother going missing in Texas on the news call the hotline and tell them she is the woman wearing a mustache in the spa at the JW Marriott San Antonio.
Tell them to give me another hour to decompress before I have to figure out how to smuggle lizards on an airplane.
I will be posting and sharing pictures all week on Facebook [Here] and Instagram [Here] and Twitter feed [Here]
Have you visited San Antonio? Is there anything we should definitely see or do?
You may also enjoy these stories from allthatmakesyou.com
Ridiculous Resolution to Sieze the Monkey
Almost Rendered Earlie Late – How I almost killed our sweet electrician
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PS If you are a publisher or producer email me and I will give you my phone number. If you are Child Protective Services email me and I will give you the phone number of someone I don’t like. If you want to come and help me fold clothes and put them away I will give you my address and a big kiss.
Sounds like a plan! I’ll meet you at the spa! (PS: I’m on my way to Chicago to VISIT a child and she’s treating to a massage! There is HOPE).
Love that! But that is a daughter. My boys asked me if i will make their children empty my dishwasher when they are grown. Ha ha.
I’ve got a son too. He’s hoping I’ll move next door to him so that I CAN EMPTY HIS dishwasher into the future. Boys!
Send the boys and your husband to Fiesta Texas (It is a six flags park with lots of coasters) while you hang out at the spa.