I cannot lie to my kids.
Let me clarify, I can lie to them about things like, I don’t know what the correct/anatomical word for “the place between where the babies exit out.” You can find the explanation for that in my post entitled just that, [Here] no need to beat a dead horse. But when they ask me, “Is there really a Santa?” I freeze.
If I say yes will they believe me when I tell them something that is really pertinent. Why the charade? I sidestep the questions with quick questions back, “I don’t know”, “What do you think?” or “Have YOU seen Santa? I haven’t but I have heard other (crazy/liars) people say they have.” I found myself in the same predicament a few years ago when the Easter season came around and lets face it…
There aint never been an Easter Bunny costume that looks real!
My mother-in-law was in town and I decided it would be a cute idea to take the boys to the mall to visit the Easter Bunny. On the way there I told them our intentions, (and mentioned a trip to the candy store afterwards) and was instantly bombarded with the usual Mitchell questions. “Is the Easter Bunny real?” “Is that a man in the Bunny suit?”
Not wanting to lie to them I usually skirt these questions and just try not to answer. I will point out things on the side of the road or bring up something fun to do. I tried these tactics and it didn’t work.
Finally, Mitchell shouted,
“Why won’t you just tell me…IS HE REAL?”
Avery sat quietly listening for my response.
I looked over at Jim’s Mom, took a deep breath and said,
“Well, the spirit of the Easter Bunny is real, I guess.”
Then, no more questions.
We get to the mall and walk around for a while and we find the Bunny photo station. There were no children in line and so Avery and Mitchell walked up to the unusually small Easter Bunny and stood right in front of him, (kind of like “The Shining Twins”).
The Bunny, waiting for them to take a seat on his lap, sat completely still as Mitchell slowly bent his knees to lower himself and peered into the Bunny’s mouth.
Mitchell proclaims, while pointing his finger in the rabbits mouth,
Now Mitchell is looking over at me while I am standing next to them on the other side of the “velvet line ropes”. He is looking at me, the Easter Bunny has his oversized head twisted to the side looking at me, the Easter Bunny’s personal photographer is looking at me and I am at a loss of words. Suddenly, Avery whacks Mitchell in the arm and he exclaimed, as he too is doing the knee bend peering into the rabbits mouth move, “MITCHELL HE IS REAL, THAT IS THE “SPIRIT” OF THE EASTER BUNNY IN THERE!!!” And that was that.
The Bunny nodded an emphatic yes with his thumb up. He then held up a rolled up coloring book for them he had in a basket by his feet and the boys said,
“THANKS SO MUCH!” and were off.
Happy Easter everyone. May the SPIRIT of the season be with you!
Abbie Gale at allthatmakesyou.com
Share your Easter pictures online and hashtag the. With #FunnyBunnyPictures so I can see them all!
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Your boys are adorable! “That’s the spirit of the Easter Bunny” hilarious and OMG The Shining reference kills me! Lol
I’ve totally been there with my kids! Once, my then-6-year-old daughter came to Dad before bedtime and said, “Can I ask you three questions? Is Santa Claus real? Is the tooth fairy real? And do you EVER have a good day at work?” One of the best kidisms ever!!
Using the “spirit of …” is a brilliant idea! You’re not discounting the validity of whatever the celebration is, but not lying about who is representing that “spirit” – love this! ~ Julie 🙂
Haha that is hilarious! I have a hard time going along with holiday characters because as a child they terrified me. I mean seriously, Santa Claus was just a big fat guy that broke into my house while I slept. Creepy.
Excellent post!
Hahaha! That is too, too funny!
Saw this over at blogher and was laughing after I read it. What a cute story and I’m glad my kiddo hasn’t asked me whether the easter bunny is real.
I cannot believe it was featured on BlogHer! I admit I have been so desperate to be Freshly Pressed on WordPress. Ha ha ha! I didn’t know to much about BlogHer. I started copying a few stories over there and no one really commented so I just thought my content was wrong. I can’t figure out where to “park” my blog. I guess I will just keep copying the posts for now. Love the WordPress folks and now I’m starting to love the BlogHer people. I thought I was talking to myself until this one was featured and people started commenting. Thanks for reading and the kind words. 🙂
Very well put Avery! I love that he listens to his Mamma! I like that, the spirit of the Easter Bunny, I think I will use that and switch out Easter bunny for whatever the spirit seems to be at the time 🙂 thanks! Michelle
Wow, this is a hard one. I haven’t gotten to this stage yet. I could just picture the boys looking inside the bunny’s mouth, funny!
Hi. I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Feel free to accept or pass on it. No worries. LTAF
I’m still safe. My kid isn’t even two yet and can’t figure that stuff out. However, based on his abilities so far, I think trouble is brewing next year. Happy Easter!
Now that’s a Good one!! Have a blessed Easter, y’all.
Happy Easter to you, too – love this story! Wow, you really need to be quick-witted when you have kids, don’t you, hehehe. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Ha! Our son woke up this morning and said, “I know the Easter bunny isn’t real because the one we saw last year was wearing tennis shoes. Bunny don’t wear shoes.” There is a fabulous post about the Easter Bunny’s zippered fur here: http://mommysaidaswearword.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/my-brother-the-realist/