I am quoted by Shanon Cook from CNN today!
Check it out by clicking the photo.
Does Botox Affect The Ability To Parent? By Shanon Cook, CNN
Below is the funny story that led to Shanon Cook contacting me. I have been so excited to share it with you. I wasn’t saying a word until I read the article to be sure I didn’t sound completely insane! I only sound slightly gonzo and that jives with me. I wouldn’t want to falsely portray myself.
Botox is Really a Marriage Saving Device
By Abbie Gale, All that makes you…
Ok, folks. I have another a confession.
I have visited the Botox fairy a few times, (he is a friend who serves wine on his couch.) He has been good to me. More importantly, He has been good for my marriage and my personal relationships with anyone I have to deal with face to face.
If the Mayans are wrong, I will turn forty on “12.21.12.” I am getting a lot of slack from friends accusing me of staging this whole “Mayan-End-Of-The-World-Thing” so I can be thirty-nine FOR-EV-ER. It seemed like all my girlfriends were trying the Botox and all of my (pretend) girlfriends on TV had been doing it for years and so I said…
“Sign me up! All these woman are making me look old!”
The first time “I did it” I didn’t tell my husband, Jim. I wanted to see if he noticed. He didn’t but hilariously found a moment to go on a tangent to our boys about how good I look and that “I don’t need any kind of assistance” when they asked why some women on TV look shellacked. I was dunking and laughing around the corner. How do you tell him after that?
I don’t think it altered my looks that much. For me, I am a face maker as I am pretty animated, it is probably just keeping deep grooves from forming between my eyebrows.
Here is what I learned though.
People don’t need Botox for wrinkles. The real reason why all women should be getting Botox?
Because you cannot make the, “You are such a dumb a$$ face!”
Your husband will instantly think you love him more.
I sent my hubs this picture. Don’t I look like I have it all together? Smiling, driving, entertaining our son, taking a picture…I am kidding!
I was in the school parking lot waiting for my two other kids.
I also cannot figure out why Botox is not being marketed to people with these tag lines…
“Get Botox and make your husband feel like a genius!”
“Botox makes everyone wonder what your secret to happiness is.”
Botox is really missing the mark here. There is an entire market of people that they haven’t even tapped into.
Even those suffering from mental health issues could benefit from a little Botox love.
“Suddenly, people find me more approachable!”
“It makes the voices in my head stop making the poop face.”
“Why are you looking at me?!!! Is it because you think I’m pretty? Do you think I am pretty?”
If this stay-at-home-mom thing doesn’t work out I am sooo going into marketing.
Have you tried any procedures to make yourself feel refreshed or younger? Would you? Are you more of an “age gracefully” kind of person?
If you have had Botox, did it go well? Did you have any problems? I ended up with a black eye once because I took ibuprofen before the injections for a tooth ache. I looked so cute with my black eye.
No other mammas gave me any lip at the bus stop. I looked so tough with my black eye and scary emotionless face. Yet another benefit of the Botox.
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tersiaburger says
Well done!!
Sid Dunnebacke says
You’re the second erstwhile Michigan person I’ve known to appear on CNN – and while you’re way less medical than my old classmate/now doctor Angela was, you’re much more of a hoot. Well earned, by the way, Abbie.
Lorna's Voice says
Very impressive! 🙂
Julie Catherine says
Woo Hoo, way to go on being quoted in a CNN article! As Shannon said, “you go, girl”! Congratulations – you’re notorious … er … famous! LOL! 🙂