Our Tom Sawyer, (Peter) caught a squirrel with his live trap within four hours.
It was immediately let go after enjoying its apple.
Peter has had requests to catch some bunnies in a neighbors vegetable path and relocate them. He is so happy to go over in the evenings and set up his little trap.
I think it is genetic.
The live trap he begged for is working much better that the method I suggested. My method kept him BUSY for hours. I like methods that keep little boys busy!
A Mother’s Guide on How to Trap a Rabbit
- Box
- Twine, Very Long
- Stick
- Carrot
- Patience and the Ability to be Very Quiet
A father goes to the hardware store and buys a box trap.
A mother lets them try for two months in glorious silence with gratitude that the boys are busy.
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All that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
Looks like a win win win – for you, the boys, and (thank you, Peter) the creatures.
We used to catch squirrels with the string and box technique. Now I know why my mom encouraged it.