I keep telling Peter he wont be walking him on a leash if he doesn’t stop “loving” on him so much. I told him that the little guy is adjusting to his new home and needs to stay in his cage but I found Peter asleep like this…
The Father I Used to Have (and Sea Monkeys)
I finally am able to inhale enough to exhale a sentence from my hypervenhilating…
His face.
My God…his face.
His eyes were huge and his head led his body into the kitchen sink.
Wants to be a (Fill in the Blank)
I love the drawing of the bee stinging the guy in the head and the guy screaming. Well, that is what they get for insisting he draw a picture. Please note the use of one crayon color. This is what I get when I ask him to stop drawing pictures at school of guns, knives and blood.
Sometimes You Have To Be Bad To Remind Yourself You Are A Dog
Our dog finally acted life a dog and I let her be bad, bad, bad!
Two Broke(n) Girls. The Story of an Unlikely Friendship
When you have had too many cocktails and are trying to take off your saggy tights she will get down on the floor and yank them off by the toes, (and then display them in your house for you to find the next day.) That is a good friend that can be both helpful and bad at the same time.