“I told my kids the Zombie Apocalypse has started in Miami and we are awaiting confirmation from the government. This is what I have been preparing my kids for at the shooting range.”
I received this text message from my girlfriend I call “Crazy Sarah” yesterday.
I call her that for reasons that are already obvious to you.
When she calls my cell phone the photo below comes up. She already knows I use it for her contact information. When I drove past the sign I had to turn around to take a photo of it, then I sent it to her. I am wide open with teasing and she is fine with it. I like a girl that can handle ribbing like a man.
“Crazy” doesn’t scare me away. I decided before I met her I was going to be her friend.
I had heard about one of our country clubs members getting called before the board for her behavior during a couple’s golf tournament. The story spread like wildfire and I was fanning the flames. I wanted to know who this new member was that “borrowed” a plastic coyote out of one of my neighbors yards and drove around the golf course with it on top of her cart. I wanted to steal a plastic coyote intended to scare away pooping geese TOO!
I decided I liked her long before I really knew her. Now that I know her I am afraid to not be her friend.
She will be mid-sentence and suddenly go looking for her phone to call her husband. You will wait while she dials and when her husband answers you will hear her say, “DO NOT TOUCH MY DEAD SQUIRREL. I just got the maggots working. Leave it where it is.” Then she hangs up the phone and finishes her sentence. She collects bones.
So, you may remember my recent story “Two Broke(n) Girls” about my unlikely friendship and the reference letter I wrote for my bestie to give her new neighbors after they have met her the first time and decided they don’t like her, like I did. Well, my friend did indeed sell her house and I am distraught. Her family is going through their closing procedures and I am, (trying) to sound like a supportive friend, (because that is one of the things she taught me.)
Then I hit a moment of genius. Well, first I asked another friend that owns a nursing home if I could borrow a couple of dead bodies for a few hours before they have them “officially” hauled away.
When he didn’t respond to my text I had ANOTHER moment of genius!
Crazy Sarah and her animal bones! Crazy Sarah and her animal bones and my best friends home inspection! All I have to do is move Crazy Sarah’s dead-critter-science-experiment to my besties sealed crawl space. Throw in a few index cards with dates in front of the dead stuff and add a photo of my adorable fluffy dog, Lilly, and a future date written on her index card and…
They aren’t moving anywhere!
This was even better than the dead old people in the crawl space. That would have been a logistical nightmare and their yard is steep so hauling Fred and Myrtle would have been a two person job.
Then I remembered the high-pitched, sing-song voice that Crazy Sarah used when she said to her husband, “Do not touch my dead squirrel. I just got the maggots working. Leave it where it is.” She was smiling as she said it.
I cannot move Crazy Sarah’s dead stuff. She will kill me and I will be part of her new “dead stuff collection.”
Ironically while I was writing this Jim and my boys were discussing music and I heard Jim say, “Suri, define “Crazy Train” and play song from “YouTube.”
Here I am with “Crazy Sarah” the bone collector.
She asked what we were going to do for the next picture and I said, “I’m gonna lick your nose!” This is why I’m holding her cheeks and trying reach her nose and she is wearing a shocked face. Who knows, maybe she calls me “Crazy Abbie.”
Here is to all of the friendships that help each of us be who we are. My bestie makes me proud to be a mom and mother and “Crazy” reminds me that just because we are those things it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun and…explore our own hobbies???
–Abbie, All that makes you… allthatmakesyou.com
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Try these…
- Two Broke(n) Girls… (allthatmakesyou.com)
- Poor Husbands and their Wives’ Naughty Books (allthatmakesyou.com)
- Mapping the Zombie Apocalypse (thedailybeast.com)
- Grab Your Boomstick: The Zombie Apocalypse May Actually Be Upon Us [Zombie Apocalypse] (gawker.com)
- Zombie Apocalypse is Nigh? Blog Post Lays Out the Evidence (inquisitr.com)
- Miami Cannibal Attack Latest Sign Of ‘Zombie Apocalypse,’ Conspirators Claim (ibtimes.com)
Krazy Sarah is everything I look for in a friend. What a great hobby.
Hobby or making of a serial killer! ha ha ha!
I don’t know why she wouldn’t call you Crazy Abbie – we do.
Nice. 😉 You wouldn’t be the first. That and “Abbie-Normal” are often interchangeable.
As my Sandra would say, I meant it in the nicest way possible!
I love your ambition. As the zombie apocalypse spreads from Miami, it seems that the dead stuff will come to you. Just be patient.
SHe told my kids about it and I was like, WHAAAAAATTTT???!!!! I am redoing their rooms so they might want to sleep in them and your telling them a “Zombie Apocalypse” is coming?! Ha ha! My boys are so perplexed by it.
“I cannot move Crazy Sarah’s dead stuff. She will kill me and I will be part of her new “dead stuff collection.” – loved this! Oh my goodness, you made me laugh this morning! I’m so sorry your bestie is moving away; I know from personal experience how traumatic that really is ((((hugs)))). But I have faith that you will work it out in the end; and just know that you have lots of support when you need it … and if you feel the need to come here and cry, that’s all right, too – we’ll be here for you as well. Have a wonderful (weird) weekend! ~ Julie 🙂
I had so much fun writing this. Crazy Sarah had been telling me she was thinking about starting a blog and I was like, YOU SO SHOULD!!! She is also crafty and sews and cooks and she would have a great time doing it. I sent this to her before I posted, (have been slowly coming clean to people that I am doing this but not telling them where, bahaha) and she loved it so I probably won’t go missing anytime soon. Thanks for the hug and I will work it out in the end….bwwoooohhooohoooha!!! That was my evil giggle. ha ha!