I have a husband, Jim. A very, very smart husband. How smart you ask?
Not too smart, he married me!
I remind him of the above mentioned fact if he complains about things I might do.
I tell him he…
– Should just find my annoying habits endearing, it would be easier for him AND me since I am getting too old to change for the better.
– Married me AND that means he married my taste and that means no decorator but he may hire a housekeeper, (so that I have more time to decorate.)
– Needs to remember that he married me knowing that whatever has made him mad is also probably one of the reasons he wanted to marry me.
The list goes on and evolves so as to satisfy my ever-changing needs.
Jim and I were on our way this week to his latest graduation. He went back for additional training a year ago. He just completed a fellowship in musculoskeletal imaging. We debated not even going to the ceremony.
I told him we had to. I wanted to be sure that there would be no excuse for any FUTURE graduations such as, “I feel unfulfilled missing my 43 graduation ceremony. I need to go back to school, for more training or redirect my career path” crap.
I threw on a skirt and a shirt and a pair of heels that were chewed up from another night of actually having fun in them.
The last graduation I bought a new gown, shoes, jewelry, flew in Jim’s mom and bought her all the same. We stopped to buy flowers for his program director. We hired a sitter. It was a night out at the “fancy” country club all kelly green, pink and oriental vases.
We pulled out of our driveway this week shouting out the window to the kids to make themselves a burrito. We were heading to the same pink and green country club. We were both far less enthusiastic.
I sat in the front seat looking for some sunblock to slap on my dry knees and announced, “I am getting tanked tonight.”
I liked saying it just to force the mental image of seventy-five academic physicians, residents, fellows and their spouses eating baked Alaska while I am falling down drunk.
Jim says, “Really? You are planning this ahead of time?”
I had and I was.
Me, “Yes. It is the only way I can be sure you won’t go back for more training. It will have to be epic.”
Jim, “Awesome.”
I knew he wasn’t doubting that I was actually thinking about this.
Here is what really happened.
I may have sat at a table for ten and been one of only two women and still somehow managed to bring up “Fifty Shades of Grey.” I then tried guessing which of the men looked tired enough to deem that their wives were reading it or had recently read it. This is no small feat considering most radiologists look tired from lack of sunlight and interaction with humans, I may have also mentioned this.
I may have told my husband’s subspecialty department director that his nickname for Jim sucked, (R.J. for “Research Jim”) and that it should be “Antwone” and then went on to tell him why he should call him that.
The program director somehow managed to bring up my full first and last name in her speech and included an “Abbie quote” with full body impersonation from six years ago in this very same room and at the very same graduation ceremony. She then asked where I was in the room and I had the full attention of all of the docs and their “others.”
This is fantastic! I have only had half a drink and I am “infamous.” I don’t need to keep drinking! Poor Jim just looks at me while I am smiling back at him.
I didn’t think it was that memorable but I guess shouting out, “Yayyy BABY! WE GOT FURNITURE!” when the program presents your husband with one of those “collegiate” chairs with his name on a plaque with “Chief Resident” may have been the most exciting thing other than not having baked Alaska for the, (what is now my fifth) graduation dinner desert.
(Pretend there is a picture here from this weeks graduation. See, I told you we were less than enthusiastic. I don’t even have a picture! I have photos of EVERYTHING including my kids funny poops. Kidding, but I do have one and if your lucky I will share it with you one day.)
I only told one other person my goal of total inebriation with the end result being embarrassing Jim from any future higher education aspirations. I looked over at her and said, “Well I guess I can just rest on my laurels and not have a hangover tomorrow.”
You know what though?
I reminded myself that for all the reasons that I tell Jim he should accept me I realized I have to accept Jim. I love him because he loves learning. I love him because when we were eighteen and at his high school graduation party his aunt asked him what he was going to do with is life and he said, “I am going to be a doctor.”
I may have spit Coke out of my nose when he said this and I may have said, “I think maybe you should join the military or study computers” and he still held firm that was what he wanted to do.
Who knew you never really needed to show up to high school to become valedictorian of your medical school class, or chief resident, or mammography doc, or musculoskeletal imaging sub-specialist.
Maybe that is really why I married Jim.
– I find his tenacity endearing.
– He makes me happy to be his wife when he looks at me proudly when an esteemed doctor does a full body impersonation of me at the podium at HIS graduation.
– I love him because he knows I would never really get drunk on his special night but he will sit and listen to my master plan to, just to entertain me.
Thanks for letting me share with you all that makes me,
Abbie, All that makes you smile, laugh, think, love, cry or cry laughing.
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Aww, that was really sweet, Abbie! Funny, yes (I love your wacky sense of humor! LOL!), but also the pride you have in your husband, and your love for him, shines brightly through your words. You are exactly the same with your boys, even when exposing their … adventures … to the world, lol. You have a beautiful family that you adore, and it shows. I love this. ~ Julie 🙂
Thanks Julie! It was supposed to be just funny but then, as usual, it just turned into what it was supposed to be. Therapy. This thing is some kind of therapy. 😉
Smile? Check. Think? Check. Laugh? Check. Cry? Check. Well, just a little. For a moment. I’m reminded of my Sandra coming home from work one day last week, heading right for the refrigerator, and proclaiming, “Please, please let there be something alcoholic in here.”
You two make a stunning looking couple, by the way.
I have to admit I was happy to give him a heads up that I wrote about him today and FOR ONCE I didn’t mention something about his family. He, he, he! Thanks and I am keeping him. He lets me know every year on our anniversary if he will be “renewing” me for another year.