I need your opinion.
Is it ok to plan a birthday party for yourself?
I am turning 40 on 12/21/2012
You know, the date the Mayans predict the world will end. So here I am with a birthday that is the first day of winter solstice, and also the shortest day of the year.
I wont even begin to tell all y’all why his birthday is worse than mine. We have been together 21 years. That is right do the math…since we were teenagers.We also just celebrated our 15 year wedding anniversary and by celebrating I mean after our kids soccer practice we had dinner at a chain restaurant because I insisted we at least eat out even if it is with the kids.
We always just bow out of any kind of celebrations and let Baby Jesus have his week. I mean, he is kind of important.
Now this whole Mayan things has my kids running around saying things like, “Are we all gonna die on mom’s 40th birthday?” and “Our mom is turning 40 and it is the end of the world!”
I keep correcting them and telling them that I don’t even think the Mayan’s are around anymore. What the heck do they know. Please don’t correct me and I am not Googling because then I will be lying to my kids.

So I booked music and a photographer and I am looking for a caterer. I have never hired a caterer. I am the cook. I am also hiring a bartender because my friends won’t come if I am mixing the drinks, (I make drinks like Elaine from Seinfeld dances.)
What do you think? Really, I would love to hear. Do you think companies would be interested in sending products for a party like this if the demographic is 28-45 year olds with disposable incomes? Putting products in the hands of folks who are loyal consumers to products they love and people who are social media savvy?
I was quoted by CNN this month because I love Botox!
I am already giving my opinion about products I enjoy, without any perks. Hollar Botox! I’m over here!!! My forehead is moving again. Help a sista out. Come on, that was funny!
I think it seems like a good opportunity to get my feet wet in building relationships with companies. I haven’t really done this yet.
Turning forty is making me so adventurous!
I am even going to try a poll…
I wish I could test Botox and Fillers for South Africa…. I won’t charge for my opinion. They must just provide me the goods free of charge.
Ha ha! You and me both sister! Fillers? I am not quite there, yet! ha ha!
Is it too late to turn it into a Birthday/New Year’s Eve party? (Not saying I don’t love your idea though!)
We were thinking about that but 12/21 falls on a Friday and we have a good friend that always has a family New Years party and oyster roast and our kids would be sad as they aren’t staying late at this party. 😉